golf asked: Still a classic video clip.
StarWorldTV asked: Tiger returns to golf !
sugarfree133 asked: SONG: Just some video about Tiger Woods. My friend made it for a class presentation and he did pretty decent. I know that the music is not …
bucksfanbk asked: Tiger Woods’ unbelievable chip shot on the 16th hole at the Masters in 2005!
mikeweirdd asked: Tiger Woods, the best golfer of all times shows how it is done in this video which was compilated in 2004.
KWAMBE007 asked: Tiger Woods’ putt to win Bay Hill by one over Bart Bryant.
The game of golf is a beautiful game and like in any other game succeeding at golf demands certain things of the golfer. Determination Any successful golfer will tell you …
In most endeavors in life, success or failure starts in the mind. If you believe you can’t do something, it will be difficult for you to be to do it …
Golf is a wonderful game playable by any person, of any age, weights and sizes. Golf is not physically draining like other sports, thus, even kids and seniors may enjoy …
Tiger Woods
by admineatgolf asked: Tiger’s back nine at Sherwood Country Club Wed
Every sport has its important stuff that must be understood to be able to perform well in it. Golf is no exception. There are certain important things in golf that …
lechence asked: Cut your handicap by 7-12 strokes in just 2 weeks, here;