Would you like to benefit from the expertise of a champion? Check out this video and get Butch Harmon golf lessons from the master himself. With Butch Harmon golf lessons improve every aspect of your game. Shave strokes from your scorecard with this video featuring Butch Harmon golf lessons. Butch Harmon Course Management. Butch Harmon golf lessons, video, golf range finders, better golf, golf tip
Now a good drill that your can do to teach yourself what good posture feels like. Ive heard Tiger Woods say is that he works on his posture every single day. Now here is the best player in the world and he works on a basic simple fundamental such as posture every day. I work on it every day myself because I find that over time, we get slouchy and we lose our feel for what a good posture is.
Would you like free golf lessons from the convenience of your own home? Check out this vido that will teach you how to lower your stress and increase your focus and balance. Free golf lessons cant always do that but these free golf lessons videos can do all that and more. Link Golf free golf lessons, video, Butch Harmon golf tips, golf range finders, golf tip
Bridgestone make some top quality golf balls with there patented seamless technology ensuring less poor hits due to hitting the ball on the seam. Here are some places you can acquire these golf balls
US Sources
In the hole golf have the B330 golf ball, E5+ golf ball, E6+ golf ball and others
Bridgestone TreoSoft Golf Ball
Bridgestone e5+ Golf Ball
Bridgestone Tour B330 (Dozen)
Bridgestone e6+ Golf Ball
Bridgestone golf balls from Amazon.com
bridgestone golf balls on ebay.com
UK Sources
118 golf in the Uk carries the E5+ golf balls and E6+ golf balls
Golfonline stock the E5+ golf balls, the E6+ golf balls and the B330 golf balls