Improving Bunker Technique

While hitting from a bunker is straightforward when you discover the basic principles of stance and posture, the thought of hitting into a greenside sand trap unnerves a lot of golfers. Bettering your technique cuts the dread of bunker play and builds up confidence in your shot-making capabilities.

Assuming the texture of the sand is similar, and the ball is not plugged, the technique for hitting out of a greenside bunker stays the same for shots up to thirty yards. The key to making this shot, is hitting the sand approximately 1 to 2 inches behind the ball, throwing the sand forward with the ball. For lengthier shots the only thing that alters is the swing’s length. Rhythm and tempo stay the same.

1. Move Arms Away in Unison

Having taken a somewhat open stance, withstand the temptation to get too steep early in the takeaway. Keep the wrists passive as you sweep the club away. Try to synchronize the arm swing and body turn. Put differently, make the first part of the takeaway a one-piece movement. Also, make certain the clubhead follows the path away from the ball parallel to the line of your toes.

2. Rotate and Open

Rotate your left arm and wrists as the swing continues, as if you were looking at a wristwatch. It opens the clubface and assists maximise the bounce effect on the sand wedge at impact. Also, start hinging your wrists as the clubhead passes your right thigh. Keep your head still, turn the left shoulder in under the chin, and turn your back to the target.

3. Turn to the Top

As your body turns, you ought to feel as if your clubhead is pointing toward the sky and your wrists are cocked. Keep your head and body centered over the over the ball. Swing the club down on a slightly flatter plane, with good rhythm and tempo, as always. This is a key move any time you swing a club.

4. Make the Right Contact

Hitting the correct impact point is vital when playing from the sand.Visualize the ball sitting on top of a tee rather than the sand, then concentrate on clipping the tee below the ball, which just occurs to get in the swing’s way. Carried out correctly, this move will throw the ball out of the bunker with just the correct measure of sand.

5. Create a Controlled Explosion

As the club goes down in the downswing, you ought to feel your hands drag left, pulling them across the ball through impact. Make certain that your right hand does not cross over the left and that you clear your left hip as the club comes through. If the stance and clubhead are open sufficiently, the ball will fly straight, with a high flight.

Naturally, the technique for longer bunker shots differs somewhat. The key with longer shots is in the follow-through. Utilise a full finish for long bunker shots, and a short finish for shorter bunker shots.

Beneath are two exercises  to help  improve bunker technique:

• This exercise establishes how the sand wedge should really work. Stand in a practice bunker without a ball. Adopt your normal bunker stance and take several swings down into the sand. The object is to get the feel of the clubhead dragging through the sand, not digging into it. After a dozen shots, try hitting a ball. Pick out a spot where you want the ball to land and then go for it. Repeat the exercise until you’re comfortable with the feel of the wedge splashing through the sand.

• Concentrating on a spot where the clubhead hits can divert attention from where it emerges, leading in a fluffed shot. The “Two Lines” exercise assists get rid of the inclination to lose focus. Stand in a bunker and adopt your normal bunker stance. Draw two lines in the sand about 6 to 7 inches apart. The lines represent the length of the sand you should carve from under the ball. Align several balls between the two lines then hit them. The clubhead ought to enter the sand where the first line is and emerge where the second line is.

Practising these two exercises whilst keeping the 5 points in mind will assist build better bunker technique. As you get increasingly comfortable with hitting out of a bunker, you’ll increase your confidence.

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