Guide to golf etiquette

Golf is a relaxing game, no hard power necessary but employing your muscle is a necessity. Stretching exercises will help you prepare for golf games as well. Like any game, knowing the rules and having the right equipment will not ensure your success in the game. It is also important that golf etiquette will not be far away in your mind.

Golf is an old game, it however, will not last that long if players will not follow the rules, employ fairness and play with ethics.

Now, what are the rules and the ethics that need application?

Let us start with the rules. Only one general rule however, that is fairness in all aspect of the game.

Other rules that the United States Golf Association (USGA) and the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews (R&A) establish and enforce include the following:

– Play the ball from the position where it rests after a stroke.

– Do not revise the condition of the ground or any parts of the course to gain an unfair advantage.

– The ball may not be replaced during the game except when the golf ball is proven unplayable or destroyed.

– You are not allowed to play an amateur game if you have played for money in any way.

The above are general rules and golf associations follow them. Other golf associations employ minor revisions to the golfing rules but the above rules are always part of them.

The rules however are not enough if you cannot follow the ethical rules on the green.

Golf etiquette

– Respect other players, as you wish to be respected.

– Do not speak too loudly that you may hamper other players’ concentration.

– Be on time, especially for your schedule on the tee.

– Ensure not to get in the way of other players.

– Leave the tee immediately after you have made the shot.

– Do not walk too fast or too slow that you may be far from your flight partner.

– Do not stand too close to the hole even if you are holding the flagstick.

If you notice, the above rules are merely exhibition of common sense. Just like in playing any game, following the rules and exhibiting ethics may help you play the game properly. However, this will not ensure that you will play a great game.

Practice will help you improve your game. Practice and adherence to the rules of the game and the rules of ethics will help you learn as much in the green. This is because other players around the golf course will not be hesitant giving you useful comment that may help you improve your game.

A person who is ready, willing and able to learn will surely improve from a beginner, amateur and forward into becoming a golf professional.

Mentoring is also important in golf. If you want to improve your game, find a mentor, golf professional and learn the intricacies of the game.

However, you do not need all the power you have, what you need is practice, follow the rules of the game and the golf etiquette and you will be well on your way to being a good golf player.

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