Beauty Of Driving Ranges

Many people enjoy the game of golf but simply do not have the actual time to dedicate several hours to playing a course. A simple and accessible solution comes in the form of driving ranges. There are several advantages to range play over course play.

The first advantage is the time difference. Since so many people are short on time these days, the convenience of the range is second to none, especially if the range is located close. Most excursions to the driving range last less than two hours.

The second advantage is the fact that driving ranges provide invaluable experience and confidence to beginners. Golfers can refine their shots, and even set up lessons with instructors at practice ranges. Sometimes, there are even real tee set ups that are helpful in teeing up the ball correctly. If the driving range has slopes, you’re in luck again; these ranges help in learning how to hit up-hill and down-hill shots.

A third benefit is the fact that golf lessons are often offered at more affordable prices at driving ranges. This way, a first time player can try the sport out without wasting a good amount of money and not liking the game after all. Lessons can also be a great social excursion, and people can make friends with fellow driving range users.

Fourth improvement driving ranges have over golf courses is the fact that most driving ranges provide an awning of sorts to protect players from potential storms and inclement weather conditions. This can make a big difference in logging that extra practice time needed to succeed, especially in locales with unpredictable weather patterns.

Another plus to utilizing a driving range is the fact that even those with disabilities can enjoy a trip to the “links”. People with limited range of walking that are not fond of golf carts can still go out and hit some golf balls at their leisure without the discomfort of playing an entire nine or eighteen hole game.

Finally, cost differences are yet another advantage to a driving range trip as opposed to a full golf game. Hitting a bucket of balls is cheaper than paying green fees and other costs, such as golf cart or caddy fees at most ranges or courses. So, the next time want to play some hassle-free golf, take a trip to your local driving range

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