A repeatable iron swing

The more you can repeat your iron swing, the more often you can achieve predictable results—the secret to better scores.

Staying connected on the backswing is critical to building a repeatable swing. This means moving everything together to start the swing—arms, hands, and the club. Loosing con-nection here spells disaster.

Hinging your wrists correctly is also critical to a repeatable swing. It sets the club on the correct plane. You’ve hinged your wrists correctly right if (1) the clubhead points sky-ward at about hip high and (2) the shaft is at the same angle as it was at address.

At the top of your swing, the shaft must be horizontal to the ground and parallel to the target line. In addition, your spine angle and head position should be the same as at ad-dress while your bodyweight is over your back foot.

Making the “magic move” is the final key to building a repeatable swing. This move con-sists of dropping your elbow down to your side as you start back down. Then transfer-ring your weight smoothly and purposely toward the front.

Executing the magic move helps retain power in your swing. Like the other keys to build-ing a repeatable iron swing, it’s critical to achieving predictable results—the secret to lower scores.


Written by Jack Moorehouse, the author of the best-selling book “How To Break 80”

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