5 steps to sink more putts

This is a 5-step pre-shot routine we teach in golf instruction sessions. You can use it next time you play or use it as the basis for a routine you develop yourself:

1. Start behind the ball

The first step in your pre-shot routine is to visualize the ball’s path. That’s done best from behind the ball—not the hole. Crouch down and then determine the predominant break, if one exists, then make a decision on the break. Once you’ve done that you can start forming a mental picture of the correct line.

2. Divide the putt into thirds

After visualizing the ball’s path, go to the putt’s low side, stop at the mid-point, and break the putt into thirds visually. Look at the last third of the putt carefully. It’s where most of the break usually occurs, so focus on what the ball will do here.

3. Connect the line you see with the ball’s roll

Next, connect the line you see for the break with the ball’s roll. To do this, walk up to the ball and look down the line. Holding the putter in your top hand, grip the putter with your bottom hand and make some short practice strokes. Make practice strokes with a purpose. Then standing upright, step in to your address position with your back foot while you continue to track your eyes down the line.

4. Finish your setup

Concentrating on your target, set your front foot in place. Some golfers use a slightly open stance, which they feel enables them to see the line better. Or, you may want to use a stance where your feet are parallel to the target line. Experiment to see what works best for you.

5. Set your putter behind the ball

Finally, set the putter behind the ball. Take one last look at the target, and then make your stroke. Look at a spot an inch or two in front of the ball but on your target line before putting. Try to roll the ball over that spot.

This pre-shout routine works well for many players. Another option for developing a pre-shot routine is to observe the players on the Tour and try to copy one that you admire. Copy the elements of this routine that work for you but modify it to fit your own needs.

Run through your pre-shot routine quickly, so you don’t hold up play. Using a pre-shot routine can help you sink more putts without working hours and hours on technique. Improving your putting is the fastest way to slash strokes from your golf handicap.

Written by Jack Moorehouse, the author of the best-selling book “How To Break 80”

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