101 golf tips

1. Watch professional golf players play the game.

If you want to become a golf player, it is a good idea to watch professional golf players playing
the sport. When you watch them, you would become more inspired in getting better with your game.
Aside from that, you could also take note how they carry themselves on the field, as well as how
they make their swings.

2. Find a playing partner.

Playing golf is interesting, especially if you do it together with a friend. Find a friend who also
wants to learn how to play golf, so that you can each share some pointers. Aside from that, you can
both boost your motivation by competing against each other from time to time.

3. Hire a trainer.

To begin learning the sport, it is best if you can hire a trainer. The professional trainer can
guide you on how to execute the proper swing. Aside from that, he can also monitor how you handle
yourself with each swing, and be able to make adjustments. Moreover, a trainer can provide you the
guidance you need in every aspect of the game.

4. Buy a good pair of sunglasses.

Buying accessories for your newfound sport can be fun. One of the more important accessories though
would be a pair of sunglasses. This is because, when playing the game, you would be doing it out in
the field, when the sun is shining bright. A good pair of sunglasses would provide your eyes the
protection that it needs.

5. Find a good pair of golf shoes.

There are lots of golf shoes available in the market today. However, you should know that they are
not all the same. Thus, it is best if you do your research about the brands that are more preferred
by professional golf players. This way, you can choose a pair of golf shoes that can really serve
its purpose for a long period of time.

6. Buy golf clubs.

Having your own golf clubs is important if you are serious in playing golf. Just keep in mind
though that golf clubs are pretty expensive. Therefore, you should purchase a set that are really
made with the best materials. Aside from that, you should also know how to compare the different
sets of clubs, so that you can choose the best ones while playing the game.

7. Find a good caddy.

When you play at a certain golf course, it is best if you find a caddy that you can rely on. A good
caddy should be able to give you the club you want in just a few seconds. Aside from that, he

should also be someone who is easy to work with. Furthermore, once you find a good caddy, try to
see if you can make him your regular assistant, so that you won’t have to find someone else.

8. Go for smaller golf courses at first.

There are golf courses that have 18 holes, while others have only 9 holes. Aside from that, each of
the innings of these golf courses may also vary in terms of their sizes, as well as in their
designs. Since you are still starting out in playing the game, choose the courses that are
relatively smaller first. Aside from that, visit those that offer simpler obstacles.

9. Book hotels that have or are near a golf course.

When you go on a vacation with your family, try to book a hotel that has a golf course on its own,
or at least near to one. You can also do this even on business trips, as long as you have spare
time. By doing this, you would be able to try out other golf courses, which are designed
differently from the ones you are used to in your place.

10. Read stories about successful golf players.

Reading stories about successful players in the game of golf can be done through magazines, or even
through the internet. Doing this would inspire you more in playing the game. Aside from that, you
can also gather ideas on how they are able to improve on their game and follow them.

11. Take note how professionals do it.

It is a good idea to visit golf courses where well known professionals enjoy the game. When you do
that, you would be able to see them play golf. With that, you would be able to take note on how
they would do their putting, how they execute a powerful swing, how they decide between the woods
and the irons, and so on.

12. Eat a healthy diet.

Although playing golf would not require running, jumping, and, other types of activities, it is
still best if you watch what you eat. This is because playing golf would still require a lot from
you physically. Keep in mind that golf courses are very big pieces of land. Thus, you may often
find yourself walking uphill or downhill in getting to the hole. With that, it is best if your diet
can provide you with the energy that you need.

13. Try to lose weight.

If you have gained some weight than you think you should, then it is best if you lose some of them.
This is because playing golf also need you to become flexible. Your flexibility can help you in
executing the swing properly. Thus, eat right and get some exercise, so that you would become

14. Build your stamina.

When you watch professionals playing golf, it may be easy for you to conclude that playing it would
not need you to have good stamina. On the contrary, you need to build your stamina in playing golf.
This is because going from one hole to the next can become quite tiring, aside from the fact that
you are going to do lots of swings. When you get tired, it might affect your
judgment in selecting the clubs, as well as executing your swings. Thus, it is best if you have
good stamina.

15. Develop a way to determine the direction of the wind.

Always remember that the golf ball is lightweight. Therefore, when it is in midair, the wind can
easily affect the direction that it is going. Therefore, it is best if you can develop a way to
determine the direction that the wind is going. By doing that, you would be able to properly target
the hole by considering the wind‘s direction and speed.

16. Develop a way to determine the roughness or smoothness of the green.

When you hit the ball while you are putting, you might get surprised when it slowly goes to a
different direction. It is actually the grass inside the green that influences it. Aside from that,
it can also affect the speed of the ball. Therefore, it is best if you check the green properly.
Moreover, don’t forget that it is also possible that the green has an angle.

17. Think about playing golf at nights.

Before you go to sleep, while you are lying in bed, it is best to think about playing golf. This
way, you would be more motivated in practicing your swing, and your putting the next morning. Aside
from that, thinking about the sport at nights can also give you the opportunity to plan your steps
in training for it.

18. Come up with a plan.

When you are about to learn how to play golf, it is a good idea to come up with a plan for it. Your
plan should provide you with the guidance on the steps that you need to take in learning to play
golf. This would involve hiring a trainer, going to a driving range, buying your gears and
accessories, and many more.

19. Set up goals.

When you play golf, it is best if you set up goals for it. For example, your initial goal may be to
finish holes in a golf course with a par; and, once you are able to hit it, you can set goals that
can offer you with more challenge. Setting up goals would provide you with the challenge that you
need, aside from helping you in monitoring your progress.

20. List down the things you need to bring.

If you are on your way to a golf course to play the game, it is best if you can bring all the
necessary things you need. Thus, you should come up with a list of things you want to bring. The
list should help you check on the things you need. However, make sure not to forget checking

the list. With that, you should hang it somewhere you can easily see, such as at the door of your

21. Find golf courses at your place.

When you are ready to play in an actual golf course, it is best if you find a good number of them
at the city you are living in. This way, you would be able to learn more about the options that
you have in playing golf. Aside from that, learn more about them regarding the difficulty of their
innings, the sizes of the golf courses, as well as their distances from your place so that you can
choose accordingly.

22. Visit the driving range often.

Swinging is one of the skills that you need to develop in playing golf. This is because it would
help you in getting to the hole faster. Thus, it is best if you practice your swing more often by
visiting the driving range on a regular basis. By doing that, you can practice for as much as you
can, and even get to meet other players.

23. Practice putting at your office.

Putting at your office can provide you the practice that you need to improve your performance.
However, it is best if your office is carpeted. Practicing at your office can be done during your
break times. Just make sure that you have your own office room, so that you won’t be disturbing
your coworkers.

24. Play with your friends or business partners.

Playing golf can be made more interesting and fun when you play it with your colleagues or business
partners. You can make it a weekend affair, in which you would meet at an agreed time at the golf
course you have chosen. By doing that, you won’t just be improving your game, but it would also
help build your relationship with your colleagues and partners.

25. Challenge yourself.

It is important that you continue challenging yourself, so that you would make improvements in
playing golf. For example, each time you visit the driving range, try to hit the ball farther than
you have done it the previous time. Aside from that, you can also try to hit the ball for the least
number of times in sinking it into the hole at a golf course.

26. Teach your family in playing golf.

Teaching your family in playing golf can make practicing more fun. When you teach them at home,
doing it at your backyard, you would be practicing your putting skills with it. If they want to
take it further, you can also bring them with you when you go to the driving range. By watching
their form, you may also realize your own mistakes in executing your swings.

27. Buy a good cap.

Wearing a good cap is important when you are playing under the heat of the sun. It is best that you
choose your cap carefully though, so that it would serve you best. Choose a cap that is made in
good material, so that it would provide you with the shade you need. Aside from that, make sure
that it is the right size, so that it would fit you perfectly.

28. Always smile.

Smiling can help you relieve yourself from stress. Therefore, even if you are performing poorly,
you should continue to smile. When you do that, you may not even notice that you are lagging behind
your competition. Aside from that, smiling can become contagious, which can encourage a more
positive atmosphere among you and your peers.

29. Make friends with other players.

Whether you are playing in a competition or at a driving range, it is best to take advantage of it
to make new friends. When you do that, you would be able to make playing golf more fun and
exciting. On top of that, with more friends, more people would be able to provide you with tips
when it comes to improving your swing, your form, and such.

30. Bring a bottle of water.

You should never forget bringing a bottle of water with you when you play golf. This is to ensure
that you won’t get dehydrated. Getting exposed to the sun on a constant manner can get you
dehydrated if you won’t drink water from time to time. In addition, getting too thirsty can become
a hindrance in playing your game the right way.

31. Watch out for snakes.

Keep in mind that some golf courses are quite big, in which some parts of it would be woods.
Whenever there are lots of woods and grasses, there is always a possibility for finding snakes in
them. Therefore, whenever you hit your ball out of bounds, you should be careful when you try to
retrieve it, since you might accidentally step on a snake and get bitten.

32. Aim for a par first, before aiming for a birdie or eagle eye.

When you set your goals in playing golf, you should aim for more realistic ones first. For example,
before you aim for a birdie, you should achieve hitting par consistently first. Par is actually the
term used, which pertains to the number of shots needed for one to sink the ball into the hole.
Consistently achieving par would make lots of people look up to you.

33. Learn more about the particular hole.

When you visit a golf course, it is best that you learn more about the round or the hole you are
playing in. You should know its design well, by looking at maps that are usually available at the
golf course. If you are able to do that, then you would be able to plan out your shots more

34. Learn more about the game.

To excel in the game, you should learn more about it. There are lots of things that you can do in
order to gather more information about it. You can purchase books about it, and you can even do
your research online. Moreover, you can also ask questions about golf to your professional golf
playing friends.

35. Become more familiar of the terms.

When you play golf, you would eventually come across lots of terms that you may not understand as a
novice player. Thus, it is best that you become more familiar about it. Learning more about
different golf terms, can help you communicate with other golfers as well as your trainer better.
Some of the terms you may want to research on would include fore, bogey, bunker, handicap, and

36. Inhale the fresh air.

When you play golf, take advantage of all the benefits that it can offer to you, such as the fresh
air. Playing golf offers you not just a chance to breathe fresh air, but also get enough exercise
by swinging as well as in walking. In other words, it can also promote better health. Enjoy the
game, so that you would be able to improve your performance in no time.

37. Don’t get discouraged when your ball gets out of bounce.

One of the things that you would commit in playing golf as a beginner is hitting the ball out of
bounce. This would usually happen, when you hit it inside a group of trees, bushes, or hitting it
towards a body of water. Keep in mind that even professionals in the game can commit this mistake.
Thus, you should not get discourages, and just aim to improve on your performance.

38. Become more familiar about the different sets of golf clubs.

Always remember that golf clubs are created in different materials and styles, because they serve
different purposes. Some are designed to maximize your power and achieve great distances, while
others are designed so that you can make the ball go higher and avoid the trees. Each shot you take
would require a different golf club, which is why you want to become more familiar about their

39. Keep your golf clubs in a safe place.

Keep in mind that golf clubs are very expensive these days. Therefore, whenever you bring it
outside your place to visit a golf course, you should put it in a safe place, to keep it away from
thieves. When you store it inside your house though, you should also store it properly, so that
people won’t trip over them.

40. How to hire a trainer.

Hiring a trainer is one of the keys in learning playing golf properly. However, you should consider
factors when it comes to choosing the professional to train you. Some of the factors would include
his experience, his style of teaching, and more. In addition, don’t forget to ask his previous and
current clients, for their feedback about him.

41. How to find more information about golf.

Gathering more information about golf is important, since it can provide you with guidance in
getting started with it. Lots of websites are launched today, which can offer you lots of valuable
data about it. Aside from that, some of these sites can also recommend trainers to you, as well as
books that you can read.

42. Compete.

Once you have gained enough experience in playing golf, it is time to join various competitions
about it. You can even suggest one, which can be played by employees of the company you are working
for. When you compete, you would become more motivated in training, since you want to do good in

43. Buy a good sunscreen.

Playing golf would often expose you to the glaring sun. Because of that, you want to make sure that
you can also maintain the health of your skin, by using a good sunscreen. When you buy one though,
choose something that can last long, so that you won’t have to reapply lots of time throughout the

44. Bring a mosquito repellent.

When you visit golf courses, you should be aware that there may be mosquitoes flying around, due to
the fact that there are trees and bodies of water nearby. With that, you should bring a mosquito
repellent, so that you can prevent them from biting you. Always remember that mosquitoes can cause
certain types of diseases; thus, the lesser amounts of time they bite you, the better.

45. Research about the golf course.

Whether you are going to visit a golf course to attend a competition, or to simply enjoy a day with
your friends, it is best that you do your research about it. By doing that, you would be able to
know whether the golf course can offer you 9 or 18 holes. Aside from that, you can also anticipate
the level of difficulty that it can offer to you.

46. Bring your family with you when visiting a golf course.

Visiting a golf course can be made more fun and interesting if you bring your family with you. This
is because, you can treat them in the course’s refreshments. Aside from that, you can also
let them see more about the sports that you enjoy. Moreover, if you are visiting the place to play,
they can also give you the support you need.

47. Make playing golf fun.

When you play golf, you should always make it a fun experience. You should not be too hard on
yourself whenever you are having a bad day. Doing that would just bring you down further.

Instead, always see it as a game, which provides you with entertainment. However, just like any
other game, you also want to win in it, which is why you should train harder.

48. Take care of your eyes.

In playing golf, you would actually be using your eyes a lot, in order to score better. Therefore,
you should take care of them. One of the best ways to do that is to make sure that your diet
consists of foods that are high in essential vitamins and minerals. Aside from that, it would also
be better for you if you are wearing sunglasses whenever you are outdoors.

49. Develop your muscles.

When you see professional golfers play, you would probably think that the game is not very
physical. However, you still need to develop your muscles for it, since you also need to have power
in order to shoot the golf balls to great distances. Developing your muscles can be done by working
out. However, you should also go to a driving range, so that you can practice your
swing more.

50. Have a clear mind.

Playing golf would require you to have a clear mind, if you want to become better in it. This is
because having a clear mind would make you more effective in making the right decisions, in terms
of choosing the golf clubs to use, that way you aim, and many more. Thus, clear your mind prior to
playing your favorite sport, so that you can perform at your best.

51. Turn on the power.

Aside from practicing your swing at a driving range, another way to increase your power would be to
take note of the direction of your club head and your weight shift. When they travel in the same
direction, then you can achieve a more explosive swing. Thus, after you do a backswing to do a
swing, your weight shift and your club’s head should be heading towards the target.

52. The release.

When you do your swing, you should release your energy in a way that it would be transmitted into
the golf ball. In making a swing, there would be a moment when your hand and arms would seem to
slow down, which is usually just before hitting the target. At that moment, you should imagine your
energy getting transmitted to the ball, from your hand through the clubhead.

53. Do some stretching.

Just like playing other sports, you should do some stretching first. Stretching can prevent
injuries to happen. Aside from that, it can also limber up your muscles well, which can help you
become more effective in doing your swing. Just follow the usual stretching routines and focus more
on your arms.

54. Warm up to increase power.

Warming up for a more powerful swing can be done just minutes before you get started. Warming up is
not limited to stretching, especially if you want to have good power in your swing. What you can do
is to do some practice swings, but with a stance that you would take if you were hitting waist-high
balls. Go through the motion, and slowly bring your posture to your normal golf stance. Do it not
more than 7 times, and you would notice more power in your swings.

55. The rebound.

Most good players experience spinal rebound after hitting the ball. When you swing, your stance
would actually go through certain stages, while you are trying to deliver powerful speed towards
the target. To maintain balance, it is best if you tilt your body slightly away from the ball.
Doing that would prevent injuries, as well as strains.

56. Take a deep breath.

Just before you make your swing, you should take a deep breath first. By doing that, you can ensure
that you are rid of all the nervousness or excitement that you are going through. Aside from that,
inhaling enough amounts of oxygen can also help you deliver a swing that can drive the ball at the
rate that you want it to have.

57. The hunches.

You don’t want to do the hunches in playing golf. Hunches is actually a term, which describes your
form whenever you are overreaching the ball. When this happens, you would actually lose coil and
eventually lose power in your swings. Thus, you should not do it frequently. Aside from that, it is
best to bend from the hips rather than the waist to prevent hunches.

58. Underswing or overswing.

Underswing usually happens, when your arms are moving too slowly when you swing, while the
overswing is the complete opposite to that. If you tend to underswing, you can also choose a club
that can usually deliver the ball farther, and you can also do the opposite if you overswing. You
can make the right adjustments regarding this, if you are very familiar with the different golf

59. Line them up.

When it comes to the accuracy of your shots, if you are right handed, you should take note of your
left hand grip. The tendons of your left hand’s thumb should be directly at the middle part of the
club handle when you are about to swing. Maintain their positions while making the swing, so as to
become more accurate in it.

60. Checking your lies.

It is always best to check on your lies whenever you make a swing. When lies follow angles that are
unfit, then you can be assured that you would be encountering swinging errors. For example,

if you swing with lie angles that are too upright, then force would take your ball off target to
the left. The opposite is also true if it is too flat. Therefore, you should check your lie angles.

61. Your trajectory.

When it comes to your trajectory, it is best that you become more familiar of your different golf
clubs. This is because, the type of club you would use in swinging is one of the biggest factors
when it comes to the balls trajectory. Thus, it is best if you keep on trying out different golf
clubs in different types of shots, so that you eventually know when you need to use each one of

62. To have crisp shots.

If you want to have crisper shots, whenever you do your swing, then you should target the inner
quadrant part of the golf ball. This would make your golf club make contact with the ball in an
open position. To make this easier, when using balls with a logo, set the logo at the part where
you want to hit the ball, so that it would become your target.

63. The Tweeners.

Many golfers refer to the odd distances between different golf clubs as the Tweeners; and, if you
constantly experience inconsistencies with them, then you should come up with a solution. For
example, if you are a type of person who loves to do power swings, then you should make use of a
lesser club and hit it the way you want.

64. First tee.

Every time you set your feet on the first tee of the whole golf course, before you position
yourself for swinging, you should take some time in studying it. You should try to identify the
whole shape of the hole, as if you would be looking at it from the sky. By doing this, you would be
able to come up with your own strategy on how you are going to approach each hole more effectively.

65. Take your time.

One of the things about playing golf is that, you need to make the right calls, so that you would
be able to come up the winner. For example, before swinging at the ball, you need to identify the
best golf club you want to use for it. Aside from that, you should also decide on your aim, by
considering the direction and speed of the wind.

66. Using music.

If you are playing by yourself, or with people you have met for the first time, then it would not
be a bad idea to listen to music. This is because good music can help you in calming your nerves.
It is best though that you listen to it only while you are waiting for your turn, so that you would
be able to focus at what you need to do, when it is time for you swing.

67. The line between you and the ball.

Lots of professional golfers come up with an imaginary line between them and the ball. Before
crossing the line, you should make up your mind about your aim, the kind of power you would hit the
ball with, and such. Thus, you should only cross the line when you are fully committed in what you
are going to do. If you are still unsure and you have already crossed it, you can always step back,
and rethink your move again.

68. Balance.

Before you start with your swing, you should make sure that you are able to achieve perfect balance
for your body. Having good balance will enable you to deliver the kind of power, which is needed to
take the ball where you want it. Aside from that, it would also ensure that you would be able to
hit the ball towards the direction you are aiming at.

69. Your head.

Keep in mind that every time you make a swing to hit the ball, your head would also make its own
swing. In relation to this, you can actually observe how you rotate your head each time you swing
to see if you are doing it properly. If you are swinging it on the same manner as your front
shoulder, then you are going to make a good swing.

70. View par 5 as par 3.

If you want to challenge yourself more, so that you would be able to make improvements on your
performance, then view a hole that is par 5 as par 3. In other words, instead of planning for
5 shots in a par 5 hole, you should plan it for 3 shots. This may make you take some risks, but it
is worth it, especially if you are not doing it for the first time at a tournament.

71. Practice more.

Practicing more does not have to be limited to playing the actual golf. Expand your horizons in
playing golf by checking out video games about it. There are lots of gaming consoles available
today, which can offer you realistic golf games. In playing such games, it can offer you more ideas
in taking different holes.

72. Be prepared.

If you find yourself playing in a particular hole and it suddenly rains, it is best if you came
prepared with your own rain gear. Even if you are still practicing, you should make use of your
rain gear while playing. By doing this, you can still expect to perform the same way you are in
practicing, if it happens during a tournament.

73. Putting.

When you do your putting, you should become more conscious on the angles created by your hand when
you hold the putter. One of the best angles that you can take note of is the one
created, when your wrist is bending backwards towards your forearm. Try to practice this kind of
angle, and see the difference it can make in doing your putting.

74. Look where your ball should go.

Whether you are putting or are still trying to get to the green, you should take a good look at
your target for a lot of times, before you make your swing. Looking at your target will provide
your brain with the clear picture of where your ball should go. Aside from that, since looking at
the target can also help you judge the distance, it can also help you come up with just the right
amount of power behind your stroke.

75. Stroke for all distances.

You should take note of how you place your feet in accordance to the kind of distance you want to
achieve with your stroke. Keep in mind that the longer the stroke, the wider the distance
should be between your feet. On the other hand, when putting, your feet should also be near each
other. Practice this, but don’t forget to consider your balance, so that you can achieve what you

76. Triangulating your putts.

When you plan your putting strategy, you should look at the ball from three different points.
Look at it from behind, from behind the hole, as well as midway in between the ball and the hole.
By doing this, you would be able to plan out your swing more effectively. This technique is
called triangulating, and it is often used by professionals.

77. Be positive on the green.

When you are already at the green, one of the things that can prevent you from hitting a par,
birdie, or an eagle eye, is negative thinking. There are times when people think about not being
able to make the shot perfectly, due to some reasons, and it could actually happen. Therefore,
since negative thinking can actually influence the outcome of the game, then positive thinking
should affect it as well. With that, it is best to be positive at all times.

78. Make sound decisions.

In playing golf, as well as other sports, one of the things that you need to do in order to improve
your performance is to make sound decisions. The best thing about golf though is that, you have
time to do it, which is also the case for your competition. Thus, it is best if you consider all
factors in choosing the golf club, hitting the ball at the right angle, and so on, so that you can
come out the winner.

79. Take some risks.

Being too cautious may not provide you with the outcome that you want. Thus, it is also good to
take some risks from time to time. When you take some risks, you would be able to discover more
things about your abilities. Aside from that, you can also explore certain shots, which you may not
have thought to be possible.

80. The bunker.

Considering the texture of the sand can save you some strokes, if your ball ends up in a bunker.
For example, if the sand is soft and fluffy, you want to make use of a wedge, which is equipped
with a large flange and can provide a lot of bounce. By doing that, you can make the right calls
whenever you are stuck at a bunker and you want to minimize your strokes.

81. On short-iron shots.

When it comes to short iron shots, it is best that you are able to shift your weight, in order to
execute a weaker swing, which comes from your arms only. Some players actually leave only about 10
to 40 percent of their on their back leg, when the club makes impact with the ball. By doing this,
you would be able to make your iron shots more effective.

82. Hitting the ball in the sand.

When you hit the ball in the bunker, you should keep in mid that there is a tendency for you to dig
your feet into the sand. When this happens, you would actually be making your club longer. With
that, when you make a swing, your club may have a tendency to hit the sand, which not a good idea.
To play it safe, either you make sure that your feet do not dig into the sand, or choose a shorter

83. The golf swing.

The golf swing in general should be done in a smooth and natural motion. In other words, it should
not be too quick, too slow, jumpy, or jerky. If you observe professionals do it, you would notice
that they execute their swings in a fluid and almost effortless manner. To achieve this, you need
to become more conscious of your stance. Aside from that, you should also practice proper breathing

84. Unnecessary body motion.

If you want to come up with a swing that is pretty effective, then you should eliminate unnecessary
body motion, especially lower body motion. This is to ensure that precision is achieved when you
are making your swing. When you are able to achieve that, then you can become more consistent on
your swings, and be able to experience improvements in performance.

85. The grip.

Learning about the different types of grips is essential to delivering better strokes. In general,
there are actually three types of grips, and they are called 10 finger, interlock, and overlap. For
beginners, it is best to do it with the interlock grip. This is because this type of grip can help
you use your hands as one piece, instead of having them fighting against each other when you swing.

86. The right stance.

When it comes to having the right stance in playing golf, there are lots of things that you need to
focus on. Some of these things would include your knees, your feet, your back, your hands, your

shoulders, and the position of the ball. For example, when it comes to your knees, you want to bend
it a little, so that you can achieve proper balance.

87. Creating equilibrium.

The kind of swing that you can execute can often determine the kind of performance you can have for
each hole. Thus, it is best that you do it good consistently. To make sure that it is the case, you
need to create equilibrium with the ground, by keeping your knees bent a little, while your feet
would be shoulder width apart. By doing this, you can achieve a certain balance, which can improve
the standard of your swing.

88. Shots going to the right.

If your shots have a tendency of going to the right, it is often a result when your body would move
towards your left, when you do your swing. What you can do about it is to release your hands
quicker in hitting the ball. By doing this, you would be able to see marked improvements when it
comes to the accuracy of your shots.

89. Develop good flexibility.

Before you start playing golf, it is best that you develop good flexibility first. There are
actually lots of reasons behind that. One of which is the fact that there is a possibility that you
can injure yourself on the course, if you are not flexible enough. Aside from that, your
flexibility can also greatly affect the power of your shots, as well as its smoothness.

90. Enroll in a golf training course.

To get started in playing golf at the right path, one of the best things that you can do is to
learn more about it through a golf training course. However, you should keep in mind that there are
different courses available today; and, they are not all the same. Therefore, you should do your
research, in identifying the best ones.

91. Watch golf training videos.

Before you go through golf training, it is best that you become more familiar about it. One of the
things that you can do for it is to watch golf training videos. By watching these videos, you can
see the various steps or methods that are used in training beginners in the sport. With that, you
would already have an idea on what you are going to get yourself into.

92. Play with your kids.

If you want to practice your putting, one of the best ways to make it more interesting is to play
with your kids with it. When you play it with your kids, you won’t even notice how much time you
have already practiced your skill. Aside from that, you may even discover that your kid is actually
quite a good putter himself.

93. Woods.

Woods is a term that is used to refer to the kind of golf clubs, which are used by golfers. The
woods golf clubs are those that have larger heads, which look like big bulbs. You want to make use
of these types of golf clubs if you need the golf ball to travel a great distance after making your
swing, since they are designed to be that way.

94. Irons.

Irons golf clubs are called as such, due to the material used in making them. Irons are the clubs
that are used when a golfer wants to achieve better trajectory. However, you can also choose to use
an iron, even if you need the ball to go sailing a hundred or more yards in one swing, by simply
selecting those with lower numbers. Wedges and higher numbered irons are used for bunkers, or for
high arching shots.

95. Putters.

Putters, as they are called, are used for putting. They are specifically designed as the clubs to
be used when you are already inside the green. They are made in a way that you would be able to
achieve a better aim for the ball, in order to sink it into the hole, with the least number of

96. Trust your instinct.

When it comes to choosing your golf clubs for certain shots, it is also best to trust your instinct
for it. There may be times that you have a gut feeling to use an iron instead of a wood for a
certain shot, but your books would tell you otherwise. However, it is always best to trust your
instincts, since lots of people have proven it right.

97. Wear comfortable clothing.

In playing golf, it is best that you choose clothing that you are comfortable with. You need to
make sure that your arms are able to move well with the kind of shirt that you are wearing. Aside
from that, your clothing should also be chosen in accordance to the kind of weather the golf course
is having. Wear comfortable clothing, so that you would be able to move freely, and focus more on
your shots.

98. Read news about golf.

Reading news about golf can provide you with a lot of benefits. For one, reading news can actually
offer you information about whether the professional golfer whom you considered the best has won
again, or has been beaten. Thus, it can inspire you or keep you motivated in improving your game.
Aside from that, it can also provide you updated information about the sport in general.

99. Watch tournaments.

If you are still going to go through some training in playing golf, prior to that, you should watch
tournaments. By visiting golf courses to watch tournaments, you would be able to witness the kind
of excitement the game can offer. Aside from that, you can also become more familiar with the

100. Be inspired.

Being inspired in playing the game of golf is very important. This is because, it can help you have
that drive to continuously work hard in order to improve your performance. Inspiring yourself can
be done in a lot of ways. Aside from checking out professional golfers play, you can also talk
about the game with your golfing buddies. Moreover, gathering more information about it, especially
newer techniques, can also get you inspired.

101. Be patient.

Once you start playing golf, you can’t expect yourself to become very consistent in your
performance immediately. You should be patient; this is because improving your game can take some
time to achieve. When you are patient, you would be able to wait long enough to see the
fruits of your labor.

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